What is A Coach?

Looking back several centuries, a coach was a horse-drawn vehicle that took a person from where they were to where they wanted to be.
With the passage of time, a coach became a person who assisted a person or persons (aka “team”) from where they were (ordinary) to where they wanted to go (champions). Coaches are still most prominently associated with athletics, but also provide great service in the arts (e.g., singing, speaking, acting, etc.) and more recently in businesses and churches.

We all need support, encouragement, and accountability when we are making a significant change in our life, or in the way we do things. A big part of what coaching provides is accountability – that extra nudge to follow through on what we know we need to do. A coach serves as a guide to aid navigation through life by helping us move from one place to another.

Coaching is a one-on-one method of helping another person grow and change. Instead of teaching a set curriculum, coaches start with where you are, help you define where you want to grow, and then help you get there. Coaching is based on the idea that leaders take responsibility for their own growth. So instead of giving advice or telling you what to do, coaches ask questions to help you sharpen your own discernment and decision making process. In essence, coaches co-labor with us in building or defining our vision, so we are transformed for the better as we pursue that vision. A coach is a partner who walks with you for a season, provides feedback, a fresh perspective, and consistent, gentle pressure to move forward.

Life is intended to be a team sport, and coaching is built on the power of relationship.

Coaching is a partnership between two equals, one of whom has specialized training and life experience that can challenge the other to move toward his/her destiny. We all have blind spots, and all too often our friends are reluctant to point them out to us. These blind spots could be the very things that are keeping us stuck where we are.

Your coach is committed to providing optimal coaching to bring out the best in you. Here’s what a personal coaching relationship looks like.



You’ll meet two to three times a month with your personal coach. You’ll choose what you want to work on, the action steps you want to take, and set your own pace. The coach helps you focus your ideas into goals and action steps, offers a listening ear and challenging questions that get you thinking, and provides the support and accountability you need to follow through.



Each session begins with a progress report on your goals and action steps. Next you’ll discuss your agenda, generate options, troubleshoot obstacles, and develop a set of action steps you want to take before the next appointment. You are always in charge of what you want to work on!

Who Needs A Coach?

Individuals and organizations may benefit from hiring a coach for one or more of the following reasons: “

  • Personal or Leadership Development
  • New Goals or Challenges
  • Developing New Skills or Knowledge
  • Developing Clarity Through Change
  • Career Goals or Changes
  • Priority Planning
  • Exercise or Health Goals
  • Succession Planning
  • Discover Your Destiny